At Bespoke Investment Group, we are continuously analyzing what works on Wall Street. While there are many indices that highlight styles and strategies such as large caps versus small caps, growth versus value, etc., there are many strategies that have not been quantified. In order to fill this gap, we have created the Bespoke Indices. These Indices track the performance of various methodoligies on Wall Street. Some strategies are very mainstream that have yet to be indexed and some are off the beaten track. We are also surprised that ETFs have yet to be developed for some of these strategies, but we are hoping to have them created in the future. Regardless of how well known these strategies are, many have outperformed or underperformed the overall market over the years. Based on their historical performance during various market periods, Bespoke will even use some of these strategies for our money management accounts as well.
Below we provide the first four of our Bespoke Indices. These will be updated regularly to track their performance. Over time, we will be adding more indices, so be sure to check back for new ones. All Bespoke Premium subscribers have access to the stocks that make up each of the Bespoke Indices upon request. If you have any questions regarding the Bespoke Indices, or if you have an idea for an index of your own, please fill out a contact form or call 914-315-1248.