From our Interactive Earnings Report Database, below we have filtered out the US stocks that have historically been the most volatile on their earnings report days. To calculate this, we use the average absolute percentage change on all earnings report days for each stock that has reported earnings going back to 2001. (If a stock is up 10% on one day and down 20% on the next day, the average absolute 1-day change is 15%.)
The stocks below all have at least 10 quarterly earnings reports in our database and are trading higher than $5/share. As shown, FSLR has historically been the most volatile stock on earnings with an average daily change of +/-17.71%! in our database. MFLX isn't far behind at +/-17.03%. A stock that gains or loses nearly 20% of its value on every quarterly report is a day trader's dream. Other notables on the list of the most volatile stocks on earnings include ISRG, PCLN, UAUA, NFLX, and SNDK. For those interested, we also provide each stock's expected upcoming earnings report date.
For investors that want to own stocks that hardly move at all on their earnings report days, below are the names in our database that have the lowest average absolute 1-day changes. There are quite a few blue chip stocks on the list that usually don't say anything crazy on their report days like JNJ, ED, MCD, and XOM. If you want to stay away from earnings volatility, these are the stocks you're looking for.
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Posted by: Generic Viagra | August 03, 2010 at 02:57 PM