For traders with a more short-term time horizon, we have compiled a list of the S&P 1500 stocks that have the largest intraday high-low ranges (based on the average percent spread between the intraday high and low over the last fifty days). We then grouped the stocks based on whether they have a rising or falling 50-day moving average (DMA). Stocks highlighted in gray are new to the list this month.
After the market's sideways correction from May through mid-July, the number of volatile stocks with falling moving averages has once again exceeded the list of stocks with rising moving averages. However, if the gains of the last week keep up, we're likely to see increases in the list of stocks with rising 50-DMAs in the coming weeks.
As is usually the case, the majority of stocks on the above list are all under $10 per share. For traders who like to stay away from low priced stocks, the list below highlights some of the most volatile S&P 1500 stocks that are trading above $10 per share. AIG is new to this list this month. However, the higher share price is due solely to the company's 1-20 reverse stock split.
Truthful and Timely! I recommend people do their own research though hahah.
Posted by: Vintage Filings | July 22, 2009 at 03:09 PM