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Henrique Simoes


Are you sure this is right?

Has Natural Gas on average gone up in the 1Q, 2Q, 3Q and 4Q?


PS: i have mentioned your site on my blog.


Keep up the good work guys.


So what's the best way to play it?

I thought about UNG but after being so severely underwhelmed by USO I'm not really interested in doing more with the single month futures ETF's.

LNG services? Like NGS? Or LNG miners/providers like CHK?


Guys, oiltrader's question begs the further question: Why don't you show de-compounded quarterly gains, not average gains, which are meaningless over a set of 19 quarters? If the vol is high, you can have consistently positive AVERAGE quarterly gains, and still lose a LOT of money.

Also, if the vol in the third quarters is much higher than the vol in other quarters (not unlikely with NG), then you could have poorer compounded returns from Q3 holds than other quarters, even though the average numbers look much better. (% of time positive doesn't cut it if there are huge negative outliers).

So let's do the work and show compounded returns. Average returns are deceptive.

Matt Johns

Check out http://www.enlightenedwallstreeter.com/
GREAT blog of blogs..

Anish Poojara

This could also mean that oil prices could crash instead of Natural Gas going up. If the world economy does not pick up and the Chinese bubble bursts sooner than expected then "all fall down".

anish poojara

Royalty Investments

Natural gas will continue to be a solid investment for years to come.

Generic Viagra

Hey, I think Natural Gas will be the best option in the near future. So, it is not strange that NG sales start coming up.

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