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It sounded to some like President Elect Obama declared war on Wall Street on behalf of Main Street. As that hasn't been done before in a Presidential acceptance speech, the market sell-off is hardly surprising. www.recesssionsurfer.com


In 1900, McKinley was elected president, not Roosevelt.


Presidential election in 1900 was actually won by William McKinley. TR was his running mate and succeeded McKinley upon his assassination in September 1901. 1900 was a rematch of the watershed election of 1896, with McKinley defeating populist, "free silver" (i.e., easy money) candidate William Jennings Bryan.

San Fran Sam

"Yesterday's election was widely touted as the most important election of our lifetimes. How could the results of the most important election of our lifetimes not impact the market?"

Considering that the polls had Obama winning the election for at least a couple, if not several, weeks before election day. Did you not think that this result was already being baked in to the markets? and that yesterday's market action was selling on the news!

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