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Brad Zigler

From Hard Assets Investor (14 August 2008):


"If inflation's the loss of purchasing power metered by price changes, why not use a monetary constant like gold to take its true measure?

'Gold's price is readily available as is the dollar's value against other currencies. You could, for example, keep track of the price of gold in greenbacks and in euros. The difference in the rates of appreciation (or depreciation) can give you the basis for calculating your purchasing power loss (i.e., inflation).

'In May 2006, for instance, gold sold for $658 or €515. As of yesterday's morning fix, the metal was worth $817 or €549. That's 24.2% appreciation in the dollar price, but barely a 7% uptick in terms of euros. Annualizing the difference in the rates of return gives you an implied inflation rate of 13.6%."

Brad Zigler

From Hard Assets Investor (14 August 2008):


"If inflation's the loss of purchasing power metered by price changes, why not use a monetary constant like gold to take its true measure?

'Gold's price is readily available as is the dollar's value against other currencies. You could, for example, keep track of the price of gold in greenbacks and in euros. The difference in the rates of appreciation (or depreciation) can give you the basis for calculating your purchasing power loss (i.e., inflation).

'In May 2006, for instance, gold sold for $658 or €515. As of yesterday's morning fix, the metal was worth $817 or €549. That's 24.2% appreciation in the dollar price, but barely a 7% uptick in terms of euros. Annualizing the difference in the rates of return gives you an implied inflation rate of 13.6%."

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